About Me

I’m Gina, wife of a decade and counting, to Fence. He’ll always go by his nickname–it’s his way. We’ve added 5 little people to our family in 10 years. Would you believe it took having 5 kids and moving back to my home state of CO in my 30’s to get me skiing for the first time ever, just this year?

‘Tis true.

I have skied twice in my life now. When I’m not skiing at an incredibly slow pace down the mountain (which is all the time), I can be found homeschooling, digging yucky things out of the baby’s mouth, shooting pics with my phone more often than my dear Canon camera, and waiting for the next nice day and free 45 minutes to get a run in.

We’re gluten-free.

We’re Catholic, and always growing in our love of our faith and Jesus.

I almost always have toenail polish on.

Of my 5 kids, 2 were born in the same state, and of the 5 states we have lived in, CA was the only state in which I did not give birth.

I like wine, chocolate, Doctor Who, photography, baking, and chilling on the couch late at night with my hubby.

I blog about life in a Catholic family, and all that entails in our house. Sometimes I post about what we’re reading (which is what got me into this blog here to begin with), though I generally prefer doing other things before I pick up a book. Books are great! But I tend to gravitate towards hands-on active hobbies before choosing a new book. My kids love read-alouds, though, so reading is a big deal in our house!

Thanks for visiting this little nook of the bloggy woods. I hope you’ll stick around and share some of your time with me.

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